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General Meetings: Notice Of Meeting
BackMay 15, 2020
Type of Meeting | General |
Indicator | Notice of Meeting |
Description | The 44th Annual General Meeting of Sarawak Consolidated Industries Berhad will be conducted fully virtual at the Broadcast Venue and via Remote Participation and Voting facilities. |
Date of Meeting | 18 Jun 2020 |
Time | 11:30 AM |
Venue(s) | Tricor Business Centre, Manuka 2 & 3 Meeting Room, Unit 29-01, Level 29, Tower A, Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South, No. 8, Jalan Kerinch, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia |
Date of General Meeting Record of Depositors | 10 Jun 2020 |
Resolutions |
1. For Information |
Description | To receive the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Information Only | ||||||||||||
2. Resolution 1 |
Description | To approve the payment of Directors' fees at an amount not exceeding RM486,000 in aggregate for the financial year ending 31 December 2020 until the next annual general meeting of the Company. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | ||||||||||||
3. Resolution 2 |
Description | To approve the payment of benefits payable to the Non-Executive Directors at an amount not exceeding RM714,000 for the financial year ending 31 December 2020 until the next annual general meeting of the Company. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | ||||||||||||
4. Resolution 3 |
Description | To re-elect the Director, YBhg. Dato Dr. Ir. Ts. Mohd Abdul Karim Bin Abdullah who retires in accordance with Article 127 of the Companys Constitution and being eligible, offers himself for re-election. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | ||||||||||||
5. Resolution 4 |
Description | To re-elect the Director, Encik Rosland Bin Othman who retires in accordance with Article 127 of the Companys Constitution and being eligible, offers himself for re-election. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | ||||||||||||
6. Resolution 5 |
Description | To re-elect the Director, Encik Sr. Mohd Nazri Bin Mat Noor who retires in accordance with Article 127 of the Companys Constitution and being eligible, offers himself for re-election. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | ||||||||||||
7. Resolution 6 |
Description | To re-elect the Director, YBhg. Datu Haji Soedirman Bin Haji Aini who retires in accordance with Article 122(1) of the Companys Constitution and being eligible, offers himself for re-election. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | ||||||||||||
8. Resolution 7 |
Description | To appoint Messrs. KPMG PLT as Auditors of the Company for the financial year ending 31 December 2020 and to authorise the Directors to determine their remuneration. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | ||||||||||||
9. Resolution 8 |
Description | To authorise Directors to issue and allot shares pursuant to Section 76 of the Companies Act 2016. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | ||||||||||||
10. Resolution 9 |
Description | To approve the proposed renewal of shareholder mandate for recurrent related party transactions of a revenue or trading nature. | ||||||||||||
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | ||||||||||||
Please refer attachment below. Announcement Info
- SCIB_-_Notice_of_AGM_2020.pdf (Size: 470,227 bytes)