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Suspension Of Trading
The above Company has failed to issue its annual report that includes the annual audited financial statements together with the auditors' and directors' reports for the financial period ended 30 June 2021 ("AR 2021") to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") for public release within the stipulated timeframe i.e. 31 October 2021, pursuant to paragraph 9.23(1) of Bursa Securities' Main Market Listing Requirements ("LR").
Pursuant to paragraph 9.28(5) of the LR, if a listed issuer fails to issue the outstanding financial statements within 5 market days after the expiry of the relevant timeframes stated in paragraph 9.23(1) of the LR ("Relevant Timeframes") (the last day of the 5 market days is referred to as "Suspension Deadline"), in addition to any enforcement action that Bursa Securities may take, Bursa Securities shall suspend the trading in the securities of such listed issuer. The suspension shall be effected on the next market day after the Suspension Deadline.
In view of the above and in the event that SCIB is unable to submit the outstanding AR 2021 on or before 8 November 2021, trading in the above Company's securities will be suspended with effect from 9.00 a.m., Tuesday, 9 November 2021 until further notice.
Pursuant to paragraph 9.28(6) of the LR, if a listed issuer fails to issue the outstanding financial statements within 6 months from the expiry of the relevant timeframes, in addition to any enforcement action that Bursa Securities may take, de-listing procedures shall be commenced against such listed issuer.
Announcement Info
Stock Name | SCIB |
Date Announced | 03 Nov 2021 |
Category | Listing Circular |
Reference Number | ILC-03112021-00012 |