Unless otherwise defined, the definitions set out in the previous announcements in relation to the Proposals shall apply herein.
On behalf of the Board, M&A Securities is pleased to announce that Bursa Securities had vide its letter dated 29 January 2024 (“Approval Letter”), resolved to approve the following:
- listing of and quotation for 18,496,345 new ordinary shares in SCIB to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Capitalisation; and
- listing of and quotation for such number of additional new ordinary shares in SCIB representing up to 15% of the total number of issued shares of SCIB to be issued pursuant to the Proposed LTIP.
The approval by Bursa Securities is subject to the following conditions:
- SCIB and M&A Securities must fully comply with the relevant provisions under the Listing Requirements pertaining to the implementation of the Proposals;
- M&A Securities to inform Bursa Securities upon the completion of the Proposed Capitalisation;
- M&A Securities to furnish Bursa Securities with a written confirmation of its compliance with the terms and conditions of Bursa Securities' approval once the Proposed Capitalisation is completed;
- SCIB to furnish Bursa Securities with a certified true copy of the resolution passed by the shareholders in general meeting approving the Proposed Capitalisation;
- M&A Securities is required to submit a confirmation to Bursa Securities of full compliance of the Proposed LTIP pursuant to Paragraph 6.43(1) of the Listing Requirements and stating the effective date of implementation, together with the following:
- A certified true copy of the resolution passed by the shareholders in general meeting approving the Proposed LTIP; and
- Letter of compliance in relation to the By-Laws pursuant to Paragraph 2.12 of the Listing Requirements together with a copy of the final By-Laws.
- SCIB is required to furnish Bursa Securities on a quarterly basis a summary of the total number of shares listed pursuant to the exercise of options under the Proposed LTIP as at the end of each quarter together with a detailed computation of listing fees payable;
- M&A Securities/ SCIB to provide quarterly updates via Bursa LINK (simultaneously with the submission of Quarterly Report) on the following information relating to the Proposed LTIP:
- Date and aggregate number of options and shares offered since the commencement of the Proposed LTIP with the following breakdown;
- Percentage (based on the total number of options and shares) offered for each band as well as the number of allottees as follows:
- Executive Directors;
- Independent Non-Executive Directors;
- Senior Management;
- Middle Management;
- Executives; and
- Junior Executives/ clerical staffs
- Date and aggregate number of options and shares exercised/vested since the commencement of Proposed LTIP with the following breakdown;
- Total number of options and shares that remain outstanding.
- Exercise price of options (for each tranche) and basis in arriving at the exercise price.
- Total proceeds raised from the options exercised and shares vested (if any) and breakdown of actual utilization of proceeds.
This announcement is dated 29 January 2024.